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BUET University Admission Guideline - Everything Explained

BUET University Admission Guideline - Everything Explained
As an engineering aspirant, who missed BUET by a little margin and is currently studying at one of the universities of CKRUET Engineering universities, I have written this "BUET University Admission Guideline" for those who want a chance to get admitted to BUET. 

I will explain my BUET journey to you, why I couldn't make it to BUET, what mistakes I committed, and what mistakes you should avoid so that you can get admitted to BUET. I will explain what you need to do to get admitted to BUET undergraduate program. I will give you the full guideline about BUET admission and what you need to do starting from intermediate 1st year.

Basic Building for BUET Admission

First thing you need to do to confirm a seat in BUET for you, is building up basic knowledge of Physics, Chemistry and Higher Mathematics. You should start this process from your college 1st year (Intermediate 1st year).

You must have basic knowledge of every topic of you Physics text books (Ishaq Sir and Shellu Sir), Higher Mathematics (Kitabuddin Sir), Chemistry (Hazari-Nag Sir). You can ignore certain topics in Intermediate completely but must carry the basics of those topics. 

Don't ignore Calculus, Organic Chemistry, Conics, in intermediate as these are really important topics for BUET admission. I made this mistakes in my college and it was really hard to cope up at admission times.

Requirements for BUET Admission

The requirements for the percentage of marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Higher Mathematics for BUET admission vary each year. One thing is constant though that is you must obtain A+ (GPA 5.00) and A+ in Physics, Chemistry and Higher Mathematics. You must carry a minimum GPA of 4.0 on the SSC examination.

There is no second time examination valid for aspirants. Also, you only can have a maximum of 3 year gaps from SSC. Generally the requires percentage of marks depends on the overall HSC result of Bangladesh. So BUET always gives chance to first 18000 applicants with the most marks to sit in Preliminary Examination.

BUET Admission Examination Patterns

The BUET admission examination consists of two steps. One is preliminary Examination and the other is final writing examination.

Preliminary Examination

Preliminary examination is mainly done through Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). This examination has a total of 100 questions each being of 1 mark, and you'll be given an hour to complete all of them. 34 MCQs from Higher Mathematics, 33 from Physics and another 33 from Chemistry. However, you need to have extraordinary timing skills to answer all 100 questions. Additionally, there is a minus marking of -0.25 for each incorrect answer.

There are two shifts for the examination, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. Generally, the questions in each shift vary from one another. 9000 students sit in each shift for the examination.

Now, how much percentage of marks do you need to obtain to sit in the final writing examination? It varies. BUET selects the top 3000 students from each shift. So, when the questions are slightly harder, you may need slightly lesser marks than the students of the other shift.

However scoring 70-80% of marks is considered a safe zone.

Final Writing Examination

Generally, Final writing examination happens after one month of preliminary examination. Final writing examination is the hardest part of the BUET admission test. Even after scoring 70-80% marks easily in preliminary examination many students fail to even obtain even 200-300 marks in the final examination.

By the way the question pattern of final writing examination is, "40 written questions each carrying 10 marks. 13 questions from Physics, 13 questions from Chemistry and 14 questions from Higher Mathematics. So, the question carries a total of 400 marks. Students are given 2 hours to answer their scripts. For architecture you need to answer extra 400 marks the exam time is 1.5 hours, free hand drawing having 3 questions and Visual-spatial intelligence having 4 questions.

Although I carried 70% marks in preliminary examination I miserably failed in this final writing examination. As I mentioned above I made some mistakes escaping Calculus and Organic Chemistry I panicked seeing the questions and hence I failed miserably in this final writing examination.

Calculators You Can Use

You can use any non-programmable calculator. The most popular one is the CASIO FX-991EX. However, it's completely sold out in the market and you won't be able to buy one. I have personally used this calculator. You can use a total of two calculators. I have used the CASIO FX-991EX and the CASIO FX-991ES PLUS.

Many aspirants have a question, Can I use the new CASIO FX-991CW? Yes, you can. It's on the allowed list. Many people used this calculator in the examination with us.

My Suggestions For You

Please value your time. Admission time is very important for an admission aspirant. Don't waste any time in mobiles and most importantly before any admission test, give a lot of mock tests, so that you don't get panicked in the main examination hall.

Please don't waste your time solving IIT questions these questions very rarely appears in BUET writing tests. Don't escape any topics. If you really want to escape any topic please carry a minimum basic knowledge before doing so.

That's it. Hope you like this article about "BUET University Admission Guideline".


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